Tuesday, April 8, 2014

NON Board Rubric

Night of the Notables Presentation Board Scoring Rubric

Student Assessment
Teacher Assessment
Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points.
All elements contribute to the audience’s understanding of the person and are meaningful
Most  elements contribute to the audience’s understanding and are meaningful
Elements do not contribute to the audience’s understanding or elements are not related to the notable person
Required Elements
All required elements (border, name, portrait, facts, timeline) are present and text is free from errors
Most required elements are present,  less than 5 errors may be present in the text
Several required elements are missing or text contains significant number of errors
Visual Presentation
Presentation is neat and visually appealing. High contrast colors are used, everything is attached firmly, and papers are not wrinkled. Obvious care taken
Presentation is visually appealing. Some care was taken. More attention to detail could have improved the final product.
Presentation is not visually appealing. Items are falling off, wrinkled, or stained.
Board was completed and turned in on time.
Board was not completed on time, but was finished before the presentation.
Board was not complete by the time of presentation.

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