Monday, February 3, 2014

Student Led Conferences

Student led conferences will be on February 21st. Student led conferences are an opportunity for your child to sit down with you and review their current progress and set goals. This typically takes approximately 20 minutes. I will then join you for about 10 minutes to share their report card and MAP scores. This is the time to celebrate your teen's success. This is the time to make goals to improve areas of concern. This is the time to receive MAP scores and your child's mid year progress report. This is the time to check in with the specialists about participation in those classes. It is not the time for in depth discussions with me. If you have concerns, I'm more than happy to schedule a separate time for us to sit down and talk through those.  The classroom will open from 9:00 - 12:00 and 1:00 - 3:30.

I look forward to seeing you then!

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