Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Auction Basket

The CHPCS PTA is hosting an auction fundraiser in May to raise funds that will be used to directly impact student experiences.  I know we've had a lot of fundraisers this year, and we don't expect every person to participate in every fundraiser. Our hope is that you will help where you can and when you can. Each class was asked to do two things. The first was to create an art project to be auctioned off. We will be working on our art project in class this coming Friday. The second was to create a themed basket to be auctioned off. Yesterday the class brainstormed possibilities and came up with the theme "Anti Stress".  We also brainstormed a list of possible items to fill the basket. Below you will find a list of possibilities. As things come in, I will mark them off so we don't overlap too much. If you come up with an idea that's not listed, please feel free to send it in! We appreciate any thing you can donate.

fuzzy socks
scented candles
throw blanket
herbal relaxation medication
incense - Donated
bath bombs
soothing music
stress balls
aroma therapy
hot packs
eye mask
bath robe
massage gift certificate
manicure gift certificate
pedicure gift certificate
hair cut gift certificate - Donated
stuffed animal
Starbucks gift card - Donated

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