Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December Writing Assignment

Now that Twelfth Night is over, we are diving right in to our next writing assignment. Students are being asked to write a 7 page book that will be bound in to a hard bound book by a professional publisher. 

Students are allowed to choose any subject they desire. Fiction, non fiction, poetry, or essay are all acceptable options. 
Length: The book is 7 written pages and 7 illustrations. Students may not go over, so editing will be crucial. 

12/9/14 - Topic chosen
12/9/14 - 12/18/14 - Rough draft written in class. 
Winter Break - Nothing, unless student did not finish rough draft. 
1/5/15 - Final draft in class (the final draft must be hand written onto the provided pages in fine tip sharpie)
1/6/15 - 1/7/15 - Illustrations
1/8/15 - Final draft turned in complete

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