Friday, November 8, 2013

Science Fair So Far...

Our science fair projects are moving along at a slow but steady pace. At this point students should have completed the following steps: 

1. Purchased a journal strictly for science fair use. This needs to be a stand alone notebook. A composition journal or a 100 page spiral notebook are optimal. 
2. Created a title page for their notebook. The title page includes the title of the their project (added after selection), the researcher's name, the month and year, and the school. 
3. Created a table of contents page for their notebook. This will be added to as they add information. For now it should have "Table of Contents" across the top. 
4. Created the selection process page. We covered this in class on Thursday. It is a list of ideas they considered for their project and why each one was accepted or rejected. 
5. Listed the initial resources they searched for. This is the assignment that was due last week. They can print it out and glue it in or they can hand write it, but it should be in their journal. 

This weekend and all of next week, they will be completing step 6, which is to summarize 6 - 8 of the most useful resources from their list of 25 possibilities. Each resource should get its own page. The page will include the name of the resource, author, publisher, and copyright date. For a website they will need the title, author, URL, and date accessed. After reading the resource, they will be write a one paragraph summary in their science journal. If the student finds quotes they think they would like to use, they should also note the page number in their journal. 

Next week we will be writing the hypothesis, materials, and methods. 

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