Friday, August 30, 2013

Please Bring on the First Day

The first day is almost here! Please bring the following items on the first day of school: 

1. Water bottle
2. Supplies (if you didn't drop them off on Friday or Tuesday)
3. 3 inch by 3 inch picture of student
4. The phone number you would like to use for the class phone book
5. Healthy lunch or lunch money
6. A great attitude

This weekend take the time to:

1. Review the uniform policy. (Yes ladies, you must take off your lovely nail polish. I already did :) )
2. Review the health food policy. Healthy lunches are made up of lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. My first day lunch is a tuna sandwich on whole wheat bread, an apple, and celery sticks with hummus. What are you packing?
3. Get to bed on time. Those late nights are over my friends! Make sure you're in bed early enough to get up and get out the door on time. We start learning at 7:45, so you don't have time to be late. 

I can't wait to see you all! 

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